Why Get a Kitten from a Breeder Who Shows?

Siberians for sale Boston

“But I don’t need a show-cat” – that’s the majority of pet owners, right?  Why choose a breeder who has shown their cats if you’re simply looking for a loving kitty?  If you are a breeder reading this, you may wonder whether showing is worth the time and expense.  What are the benefits?

Benefits to Pet Owners of Choosing a Breeder Who Shows: Breeders show as a way of learning about their breed, networking with other breeders, and building their cattery’s reputation and visibility to the public.  Earning titles proves that their cats meet the breed standard so that your kitten will look like the breed you fell in love with.

Show cats have to be well-socialized, well-groomed, healthy, and enjoy attention from strangers. Showing helps ensure that your kitten’s parents will be sound in mind and body.

Finally, showing indicates that the breeder cares about improving the breed and finding quality lines to work with.  Ask your potential breeder how he or she works to improve the breed.  The answer will tell you a lot.  A good breeding program isn’t just about making healthy, happy kittens as pets; it’s about making better cats according to the standard for the breed while producing genetically healthy offspring with sound temperaments.

For breeders: The value of showing is in learning.  Attending even one show is worthwhile because you will gain feedback on your cats and learn how to assess and improve your breed.  Also, the show hall is a perfect place to help introduce the public to your breed!

Cat show ribbons

Showing isn’t about being snobby or elitist; it’s about working to create cats sound in mind and body.  Showing is about working to better the breed and preserve something that can’t just be found in a shelter.

Interested in giving showing a shot?  Check out the Cat Fanciers’ Association “newbie” page to learn about getting started.

*This post is adapted from Terri Lewin Gilbert’s article on dog showing here